WASHINGTON, D.C. (Nexstar) — With the impeachment inquiry fully underway, will anything else get done in Washington?

Some lawmakers say they can “walk and chew gum” at the same time, but others fear gun control, the USMCA, and funding the government are all at risk of getting stalled.

And time is running out before the holidays.

The House of Representatives only has 16 legislative working days left in Washington this year. And Texas Republican Senator John Cornyn says they aren’t spending their time wisely.

“They are obsessed with and preoccupied with impeachment,” says Cornyn. “And they can’t seem to get anything else done.”

Cornyn says Congress has a lengthy to-do list they need to tackle immediately. Government funding expires on November 21, and Congress still needs to pass the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement.

Cornyn says House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has instead focused her time on impeaching the President, but Pelosi says the two issues are unrelated.

“Impeachment has nothing to do with it, it only has to do with our coming to agreement,” says Pelosi.

If the USMCA is not approved before the end of 2019, it would be considered next year, which is an election year. Cornyn says it would make it more difficult to pass.