WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) — Philonise Floyd made a passionate plea on Wednesday, asking members of Congress to take action against police brutality.

“George’s name means something. You have the opportunity today to make your names mean something too,” Floyd said during a House hearing.

Lawmakers like Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) questioned Floyd and 11 other witnesses about proposed police reforms.

“It becomes just another justified killing of a black person by the police in America,” Rep. Johnson said.

Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) pointed out that none of the witnesses supported calls to defund police departments.

“If you believe we should defund the police, will you please raise your hand,” Gaetz said.

The current Democratic legislation stops short of cutting police budgets.

Democrats introduced their reform bill this week. Republicans in the Senate are currently working on their version. Both sides want to do something but disagree on what that should be.

“We’ve been confronted with a problem. How do we fix it?” Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) said during the hearing.

Collins is working with his party and the White House on the GOP alternative.

“I believe there can be a solution but it’s just going to take some work,” he said.

Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL) said this is the time to get something done.

“This is our civil rights moment and I pray that our committee and our body will rise to meet that moment,” Deutch said.

Floyd hopes whatever Congress decides, it stops what happened to his brother from happening again.

“It is on you to make sure his death is not in vain,” Floyd said.