WASHINGTON (Nexstar) — On Tuesday the House Judiciary Committee, over objections of Republicans, held its first impeachment investigation hearing.

President Trump’s former campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, clashed with Democrats over his private conversations with President Trump.

“How many times did he direct you to deliver a message to a member of his cabinet?” said Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-New York).

Lewandowski responded to several questions by saying, “The White House has directed that I not disclose the substance of any discussions with the president.”

Nadler said Lewandowski’s testimony is critical to determining whether the president obstructed justice,

“We intend to secure accountability for any wrongdoing.  because no one is above the law, not even the president of the United States” said Rep. Nadler.

Democratic leaders said the Trump Administration is engaging in a cover-up by limiting what Lewandowski can say. But Republicans argue the impeachment hearings are a meaningless show.

“You like having the press here. You like having the cameras because it make it appears like there’s something happening and there’s not,” said Congressman Doug Collins (R-Georgia)

Collins said the Democrats are grasping for reasons to impeach the president, but can’t find the votes to move forward. Ohio Republican Steve Chabot said the hearings are distracting Congress from more important issues.

“We are spending our time on this fake impeachment but we could be focused on something that really matters, like immigration.”

But Democratic leaders say they plan to keep investigating until all of their questions are answered.