WASHINGTON, D.C. (NEXSTAR) – Democrats in Congress are hoping to use legislative tools to prevent any military escalation with Iran.

“We need to take steps to make sure the congressional prerogative of declaring a war, or not authorizing war is maintained by the Congress,” Representative Adam Schiff, D-California, said. 

Adam Schiff, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, says Democrats will roll out a war powers resolution for a vote later this week.

He says it’ll be an effective tool for limiting President Trump’s military action toward Iran.

“It sends an important message, and we have to use the tools we have,” Schiff said. 

Speaker Nancy Pelosi first announced the war powers resolution earlier in the week. 

While that’s gotten most of the attention, there are other measures that Democrats are taking to limit the White House’s military options.

“The amendment would’ve prohibited what we just saw in Iran,” Representative Ro Khanna, D-California, said. 

Congressman Ro Khanna is planning to reintroduce his measure prohibiting funding for any offensive attack on Iran.

“The reason the Pentagon fought that tooth and nail is they were obviously planning something at some time. It was a mistake for us to give them that blank check,” Khanna said. 

“It’s the right decision, we got it right,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said.

Despite Congressional criticism for the strike, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo continued to defend it Tuesday.

“The president had an entirely legal, appropriate and a basis,” Pompeo said.

Still, congressional Democrats aim to reaffirm their authority as the governmental branch with the constitutional power to declare war.