WASHINGTON (Nexstar) — The impeachment inquiry into President Trump is now official.

Thursday, House Democrats voted to officially open the inquiry, which until now hadn’t been voted on. This brings the President one step closer to being impeached as congressional Republicans rush to his defense.

In a near party-line vote, the House formalized its impeachment inquiry.

“We have a constitutional responsibility to serve as a check and balance on an out of control executive branch,” said Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY).

“I support this resolution because no person, Republican or Democrat should be permitted to jeopardize Americas security and reputation for self-serving political purposes,” said Rep. Jerry Nadler, (D-NY).

The vote marks the first official step for the House to impeach the President.

“Democrats are continuing their permanent campaign to undermine his legitimacy,” said Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

“We can do a lot better than this. We can do a lot better than this and the American people see through it,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH).

It’s now expected much of the impeachment investigation will center on public hearings, as opposed to the closed-door sessions happening up until now.

“The House Intelligence Committee has led the investigation, now this goes to Judiciary, Foreign Affairs and other committees of jurisdiction, but the American people now have a greater chance to participate in this process,” said Rep. Andre Carson, (D-IN).

House Republicans say the process hasn’t been fair.

“It still yet doesn’t afford the president due process, it still yet doesn’t allow Republican involvement,” said Rep. Trey Hollingsworth, (R-IN).