WASHINGTON (Nexstar) — The Trump Administration Wednesday rolled out a brand new website designed to help Americans fighting addiction.

It’s called FindTreatment.gov, a website dedicated to helping drug addicts find treatment centers. It’s a system that can be customized on a number of options (location, gender, veteran status, addiction type) to better tailor results to the person looking for help.

White House officials say this will help people looking for treatment find a treatment center that works best for them.

“We built this tool around the patient, around the individual for a great experience,” said Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar.

Secretary Azar says the new website is better than a Google search because of the customization it allows users to input.

“By having this tool, you can customize your search and say I want to know what substance use providers in my area take Medicaid,” said Azar.

Officials say results will only show service providers licensed by their state.

“And so we rely on their oversight and licensure, and that’s why you have to be one of them to be listed here and available on this website,” said Azar.

Officials do admit there won’t be a way for them to track how many people successfully find treatment using the site.

“We’ll use the traditional social media, website monitoring metrics to basically evaluate the effectiveness and the customer experience of our website,” said Azar.