Offices nationwide prepare to work from home — even in Washington, D.C.

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Nexstar) — Businesses across the country are quickly adjusting to a new routine of working from home — while trying to operate without taking a hard financial hit.

Several Congressional offices and companies across the U.S. are also telling employees to work from home.

On Friday, President Trump declared the coronavirus a national emergency, in addition to encouraging everyone to stay home as much as possible.

Within hours, thousands of companies rushed to clear their cubicles and adopt a tele-work policy.

Chris Fussell, President of the Leadership Consulting Firm, McChrystal Group, says a lot of employees thrive in an office environment, so the shift to isolation can be tricky.

“There are plenty of folks further down in the organization that depend on the discussion in the cafeteria or the coffee in the morning or in the hallway,” says Fussell.

Fussell says the best way companies can keep the office ambience is by implementing daily phone calls.

“Create very quick conference calls — which is great,” Fussell says.

Spotify and Nestle closed their offices for two weeks; others told employees to stay home until further notice.

It’s not clear how long will this last.