GREENSBORO, N.C. — It was a moment captured in a crowd of protesters. It’s one that makes people stop, stare and picture what could be if people came together.

A photo from the Greensboro protest on May 31 is now a symbol of unity in a downtown showing signs of recent unrest. 

In the crowds of people, inches away from each other, all walking miles to spread their message, one moment stands out. 

The black and white image of a man and a little girl holding hands. 

“I saw the moment getting ready to happen, so I just tried to jump to the front. I was just blessed to be able to capture that moment,” said photographer Kevin Greene. 

Michael Harris is the man in the photo.

“That’s what it was. It was love being shown through a group of people, working for the same common goals,” he said. “That’s the sustainable change the little girl allowed everybody to see all over the world.” 

Harris said the moment was spontaneous. Four-year-old Emory Lewellyn ran to him and grabbed his hand. He reached for hers, and now two strangers are now a symbol of unity.

“I’m thankful that little girl could touch a lot of people’s hearts,” Harris said. 

On Monday, FOX8 crews met Emory and her dad, Michael. 

“What she told me is, I want to give them hugs daddy,” recalled Lewellyn. “They started talking on the bullhorns. When they got done, she said I want to go meet them. I wanna give them hugs.”

FOX8 watched as everyone involved in that symbolic moment reunited. 

“I can’t say I didn’t have a couple of tears in my eyes,” added Lewellyn.

Four people are bonded forever, creating lessons for others without giving it a single thought. 

“Do right unto others, and right will be done unto you,” Harris said. “That’s what she’s doing.”

“I think she realizes it was a special moment,” added Lewellyn. 

The reunion between all four people was spontaneous. 

When Harris and Greene heard FOX8 crews were going to be speaking with the Lewellyns, they asked to join in and say thank you.