WASHINGTON, D.C. (Nexstar) — Republican Attorneys General stood outside the Capitol, calling on the Senate to reject the Articles of Impeachment against President Donald Trump.

South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson says he delivered the letter to Senator Lindsay Graham this morning.

“In that letter, we are outlining the problems, both factual and legal with the Articles of Impeachment that were passed last month by the United States House of Representatives,” said Wilson.

The group accuses the House of Representatives of impeaching Trump as a politically motivated response to the 2016 Presidential Election.

Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge says the Articles of Impeachment would not hold up in a court of law.

“As a prosecutor, I would have been ashamed to bring such a case with no evidence, no facts before a jury,” said Rutledge.

Despite their request, House managers are expected to make their case before the Senate Thursday and Friday.