WASHINGTON, D.C. (Nexstar) — President Donald Trump says the U.S.-Canada border is closing to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

He says it was a mutual decision with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and it will not impact the flow of goods across the border.

The announcement comes just days after Canada formally approved the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement. The new trade deal is expected to go into effect on June 1, but some lawmakers are hoping for a delay.

Iowa Republican Senator Chuck Grassley says companies need to get up to speed on the new guidelines under the USMCA deal, and right now that’s not their top concern.

“The June 1 date presents unique challenges for the U.S. auto industry when it is already facing significant supply chain disruptions due to COVID-19,” says Grassley.

He added: “It would be prudent right now to let these companies focus instead on the health of their workforce and supply chains.”

As for the southern border, Trump says that will remain open — for now.