WASHINGTON, D.C. (NEXSTAR) – Democrats and Republicans in the US House of Representatives have finally come to an agreement on the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement deal, which will replace NAFTA. 

The deal may have a big impact on industries all throughout California. 

Relief may be right around the corner for California farmers, in the form of a new USMCA trade deal.

“I think getting this done will be a big win for the economy,” Representative Doug LaMalfa said. 

“This is the template for how all trade deals should happen,” Representative Josh Harder said.

Both Republicans and Democrats say USMCA will help California farmers and companies sell their products, while also protecting union workers, and farm laborers. 

“The tragedy is this has been delayed for a full year,” Representative Tom McClintock said.

But Republican Congressman Tom McClintock says it could be too little too late.

“It’s cost us hundreds of thousands of jobs that could’ve been created in this past year,” McClintock said. 

McClintock argues Democrats delayed progress on the USMCA deal because they’ve been too focused on impeachment, a claim California Democrats deny, saying they can do oversight and legislate at the same time.

“You hear the word out there, all your doing is impeachment. That’s not true, we’re producing several major pieces of legislation,” Representative John Garamendi said.

Congressman John Garamendi says USMCA compliments the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, another bill that will benefit California’s agricultural sector.

His fellow Democrat, Josh Harder, says Central Valley farms in his district need more open markets with Mexico and Canada to survive.

“I was talking to one of our dairy farmers from Turlock the other day. We’ve lost 90 dairy farms just across the last decade in our area,” Harder said. 

He believes USMCA will turn the trend around in California, the largest agricultural state in the country. 

The US Senate won’t be taking up USMCA until after the holidays. Both Canada and Mexico must also ratify a final version of the deal.