WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) — Democrats in Washington, D.C. are pushing for the largest aid package in U.S. history. 

They call the $3 trillion package the “HEROES Act” in part because it includes spending for frontline workers. 

House Democrats on Friday passed the bill but it will likely face a tough road ahead in the Republican-controlled Senate. 

Democrats in Congress say the package is needed for the ongoing coronavirus pandemic response. 

Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO) said the package includes aid for state and local governments losing massive amounts of tax revenue. 

“That’s police, that’s fire, that’s 911 services,” Crow said. 

The HEROES Act also includes another round of $1,200 stimulus checks for tax payers, emergency rent and mortgage assistance and hazard pay for frontline workers. 

There’s an additional $75 billion for COVID-19 testing, which lawmakers say is critical to allow states to reopen businesses safely. 

“The core of this is going to be the ability to go out there and quickly test folks—shut down clusters, as opposed to shutting down the entire country,” said Rep. Ami Bera (D-CA). 

Many Republicans agree more testing is needed but that’s where the agreement needs. 

Colorado Congressman Doug Lamborn said he’s “a hard no” on the bill. 

“One of my objections to the bill is the trillion dollars to bail out cities and states for their general budgets,” he said. “We have some states around this country that have been mismanaged.” 

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell ridiculed the bill’s contents. 

“The bold new policy that will kick the coronavirus to the curb,” he said. “New annual students on diversity and inclusion within the cannabis industry.” 

President Trump has also threatened to veto the bill.