WASHINGTON (Nexstar) — Not all youth have the same opportunity to participate in sports. For example, children from low-income families, children with disabilities and girls are less likely to participate.  

The Trump administration wants to provide more options for kids to play sports. For example, supporters said the lessons kids learn on the ice playing hockey can help develop their life skills outside the rink.

“The outcomes associated with youth sports participation lead to higher graduation rates from high school, higher completion rates from college, higher wages in one’s life,” said Ivanka Trump, advisor to the president.

Presidential advisor Ivanka Trump, along with former baseball all-star Johnny Damon, toured two youth sports facilities in Washington D.C. and helped unveil a first of its kind “National Youth Sports Strategy.”

“To reinvigorate American youth sports as a way for every kid to get exercise, be part of a team and build self confidence,” said Alex Azar, Health and Human Services Secretary.

Azar said the initiative can help level the playing field by removing equipment costs and other barriers. The Trump administration plans to provide $6.7 million in grants to 18 communities nationwide.

The goal is to have state and local governments team up with schools and families to expand youth sports.

“This is increasingly important for girls who are under-represented in sports,” Ivanka Trump said.

“Kids on ice” at Fort DuPont in Washington D.C. offers skating and hockey for free or at a reduced price. Officials said opportunities like that are a win-win situation

“Make sure our youth and the next generation of the American workforce are equipped with the skills they need,” Ivanka Trump said.

Officials believe making sure sports activities are accessible to more kids is a step in the right direction.