WASHINGTON, D.C. (NEXSTAR) — With an impeachment investigation into the president officially underway now, is there any hope Congress will get anything else done?

Some in Washington don’t have much hope for a productive Congress.

As Washington goes headfirst into impeachment, where does that leave other issues Americans care about?

“We’re looking at a very ineffective Congress that will not be passing much of anything,” said Mike Howell of the Heritage Foundation.

Howell said with Congress mired in the back and forth of impeachment, it’s unlikely any legislation of substance will move.

“Even before impeachment, the prospects for any legislation were pretty low,” he said.

The question now: can members of Congress deal with impeachment and still get work done for the American people?

“I think we can walk and chew gum at the same time, I think both must be done,” said Rep. Andrew Carson (D-IN). “But constituents and the American public need to see this played out publicly so they can make a sound decision about the republic.”

Some still hope the president’s NAFTA replacement, the United States Mexico Canada Trade Agreement, will still come to a vote.

“Its timing is when we come to a conclusion as to agreement there, and has nothing to do with the timing on impeachment,” said Speaker of the House Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

But others said bipartisan support on that is unlikely.

“The problem with the USMCA is Democrats are hesitant to give the president a win of any kind,” Howell said.

Rep. Trey Hollingsworth (R-IN) said when he hears from voters, it’s mostly frustration.

“Why aren’t we getting things done that will make a real difference to Americans?” Hollingsworth said. “A real difference to Hoosiers? Because ultimately, that’s what Washington should be doing, but it’s not.”